Saturday, 23 August 2014

Day 7: Do you read? What are your favourite books?

I love reading! I love being taken into a whole new world and when I get so attached to a book I just can't let go of it. This has happened quite a few times before, many are ones that I can relate to or become inspired by. These books that I can remember of are, The 5 People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom; The Last Song and The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks and Eleven Minutes by Paolo Coello. These were the books that took over my lives as I turned every page.

I was very disappointed with The Last Song and The Lucky One, I feel in love with the books but when I watched the movies I was devastated. I was once told that movies and books should not be compared because they are two different mediums and are not the same. For me it is hard to avoid this as when a movie is turned into a book you expect the book to come alive and you want to see it right before your eyes, but this rarely happens.  

#blog #challenge

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