Wednesday 27 March 2013


I have a major crush on Enrique Gil! That is the only thing that attracted me to this video, but other than that I didn't like the song. I much preferred the song she made with Young JV (Your Name). The dance steps were simple and boring nothing different or creative. The song was cheesy and her voice doesn't sound very good in this it was actually annoying. And her outfit didn't go with the rest of the outfits others were wearing in this video. Overall I didn't like it.

Tuesday 26 March 2013


I spent the whole day listening to Joseph Vincent, I just couldn't get enough of his voice. This is one of my favourite covers by him. Although I didn't really understand what the song means I appreciated it due to his voice, his voice makes my heart melt.

The original video ^^

I preferred Joseph Vincent's version even though I heard his one first before the original...


For those single ladies out there

I love this! In fact I love Jay Fluent, he's super hilarious and not only that he makes sense; in a harsh way. He managed to hit the harsh points but added humour to it. Most of it is pretty true as I've heard it all before, but it was good he didn't make it to serious, it made it entertaining.

Check out his youtube channel: JayFluent

Sunday 24 March 2013

The Past

The past still haunts me
The past wont go away
Maybe there's a reason for my actions
These feelings won't go away
These feelings have stayed
No matter how long we haven't seen each other

It always comes back
My feelings remain
But I'm just a shadow to you
Nothing more nothing less

You will always be just an image in my head
Even though in reality you are real
But in reality you are not mine

I admitted my feelings before
But I won't admit it again
If we're meant to be that time will come

But I can wait and I will wait
Or I will just remain a shadow to you
And you will remain just as an image to me


Saturday 16 March 2013

Thank You

Lets just be close and share everything
Lets just be close and share secrets
It was just a lie

Why? Was it not enough to have someone close
Why? Was it not enough to have someone there for you

But you betrayed me
You showed your true colours
But that's ok...

Good luck to the people who will not tolerate you
Good luck to the people who won't accept your attitude

May the pain and suffering you have clouded upon me be karma to your attitude
May it teach you a lesson but make me stronger as a person



Just now I was thinking to myself. Why do I cry? Why do I feel sad or lonely? I have so many good things in my life. I have never been left alone, I have always had someone to go to, someone to talk to someone to rely on etc.

I am so happy with my life right now. Yes I have failed two subjects but I am not embarrassed, because for me its okay to fail, as long as you learn from it. You fail in life but you don't just stop. You learn from it, you use it, you don't do it again.

My Friend

My backbone, my other half
You are my friend
Who stood by me since day one
You always had my back
It is not easy but yet we are happy

Through the hard times, fun times, depressing times
It was no one but you who experienced this with me

So now a few years later and we are where we are
Who we want to be
Happy with our lives

We move on from high school
Move on from the past
Make new experiences but have no regrets

But you my friend will always be my friend
My back bone, my life
You are my friend


Saturday 2 March 2013

Out of the blue

Don't just stand there
Out of the blue
Come here

Please smile
Out of the blue
My heart melts

You know you gave me
Inspiration, hope, dreams

Dont just stand there
Out of the blue
Come here


Lets Learn First

There are many things I still haven't done and that I still have to learn about. One of them is sex. Before I used to think that sex is a bad thing. I used to judge those who do it. However I know some girls/friends who have done it or are doing it. From what I can see it can be an act of love. Sometimes I think to myself why do you really have to be married to do it. Today there are so many issues that get in the way with sex before marriage. Such as divorce.

Many people want to be together but do do not want to get married. They want to avoid that headache thing called divorce...So many now choose to live together before they get married. To me eventhough I am not in the right state of mind or right time to think about it I favor this idea; I agree with it. I believe that yes sex can be because of love but you do not have to get married to show that you love one another. I have a friend whose parents are not married but they had a child and they live together.

But what I disagree on is having sex with every guy that Is your boyfriend. I don't think you should do it straight away or I don't think you should be in a relationship to just have sex. I guess waiting for the right moment and feeling. I don't know how you do this but I guess we will know when the time comes.

My Life Right Now

So much to do...
I get angry at people for judging me but then again we all judge people. To me we all have our own mental capacity or own strength and weaknesses. Some can handle the busy scedule. Some can handle the being physically tired. I'm just learning. I don't think that's a bad thing.

Moving away from home at the age of 16 has been the biggest jump of my life so far. I don't think Im weak; I don't feel weak. I'm just tired thats a huge difference. If I was weak I would have gone back home if I was weak I wouldn't be here right now. I can tell everyone I'm not weak because I know that being strong is, continuing life. Weak to me is when you commit suicide or when you turn around and go back to where you started.

Everyday I pray before and after I sleep. I thank god for everything he has given me for all the people that are in my life. There are people I can not stand but I chose to learn from them and I try to find the good in them.

People look at my weaknesses but don't really try to understand what I'm going through. That's ok we all those, that's one of the obstacles in life. I guess it's just something we just can't avoid.

But I'm still here! I'm still walking! I'm still moving!

I'm still alive!!
