Monday, 29 September 2014

Quality Over Time

They say its quality over time, maybe they're right. Maybe it doesn't matter how long you're with someone but it depends on how much fun you have with them; how much you enjoy having their company around. That's why it can be easy to let go of some people in your life and for the others, you feel like it is a waste if you throw it all away.

I've made friends and lost friends, some just drifted away the others I chose not to be friends with anymore.  When it comes to letting go of people sometimes it can be easy if you don't feel like they made a positive impact on your life. However its harder if you've made so many memories and shared so many secrets to suddenly let go of them.

I am the kind of person to keep friends and let go of those who have somehow hurt me or didn't treat me right. I don't waste my time with people, because I know and appreciate the people I have in my life.

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Wednesday, 24 September 2014

The Hard Way

It all comes back. The past never really goes away and can never be avoided but we still do it anyways.  Some things can never be solved and leaving it behind is just the easiest option. The past is past right? Then why go back?

Its because there are things we regret, there are things we want to change and accept. Its hard to move on especially if you're up against the two words "what if." "What if" it didn't happen, would things be better? They say you learn,  I guess they're right. You learn the hard way, the painful way and that's just how life works. There's no going back.

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Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Reality Through My Eyes

It happens all the time, you wish for something so badly then when it does come its nothing like you expected. It can be something you wish you never wished for or it can be the best thing that ever happened to you. So I guess life works in mysterious ways. I know I am still young and I can feel myself growing up and maturing... the hard way. So all that is left now is that I keep on moving forward because that is the only thing left to do.

You plan everything out, it seems so perfect and you get so excited and then BAM! Reality hits you in the face. I'm still trying to figure out life (I'm only 19) but what I do know is nothing turns out the way you expect it. This is what makes things more challenging and at times exciting,  it's like a test to see if you can get through it. If you can overcome the challenge and still hold your head up high knowing you learned something new, knowing it might have all been worth it in the end.

#lesson #life

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Sunday, 14 September 2014

The "Quiet" One

They always say that the "quiet" one's have the devil inside of them. Being one of those girls who is shy and quiet, people get shocked when I do things they wouldn't expect someone like me would do. I used to always be against this theory and I used to always laugh. Until I actually realized that they are wrong, this is where being judgmental comes in.

It is not about being quiet, for me just because we don't talk as much as the others, does not mean that we are not capable of doing everything everyone else is capable of doing. There's a reason why we quiet people are quiet, what if we just don't want to tell anyone or what if we just want to keep secrets, it does not mean that we haven't done anything. We do not wish to tell everyone everything that happens in our life, what if we pick the people we tell. Why do we have to broadcast everything we do?

Maybe we don't go out a lot, maybe we've never done things before but it doesn't mean that it won't happen. For me life comes to you and there are things that you just can't control. Lets say we don't choose to kiss someone right this second, but you know that it will eventually happen. Sometimes the quiet ones haven't done it yet, it doesn't mean that it will never happen, maybe they haven't been given that opportunity.

I don't have anything to prove, I am still learning and finding myself but whatever I do is because I choose to do it. There are times when I lose control and do things beyond my usual self wouldn't do but when this happens I realize I am actually capable of doing things I would have never done in the past. For me this is life. I've seen different versions of myself; some have shocked me; some have opened up my eyes and some have made me realize who I am becoming.

Everything right now is scary to be honest and it doesn't help when I hear the line "it's always the quiet ones," since when exactly? All we want or all we really need is guidance, maybe even a slap to the face (not literally) every now and again but how is giving someone a lecture going to help if it's already happened. We all make mistakes and we all know you can never erase mistakes, I'm afraid there is no eraser in reality. What's done is done, in the end the things I do is not because I am the "quiet" one, its because I'm human just like you and everyone else.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Day 30 (End of another blog challenge)

Day 30: Anything you want to post about

Just last night I was looking through someone's instagram post and I felt a bit of envy towards her. Looking through her posts I realized how I haven't finished a book in ages, actually the last book I finished was last christmas break and it feels weird, it doesn't feel right. I miss reading! I've started many books but I haven't finished them and so I have decided to get back to reading and to make a list of the books I've read. I always say I will do something but I never actually do it. I want to re-invent myself and do things I haven't done before. After weeks of binge watching I have decided I  need to stop this, I need to do something with my life. I am not getting anywhere by sleeping, watching tv shows and dragging myself to school every day. I need to pick my self up and I have found one way in doing this and that is to start reading again. 

I've made a list of the books I remember reading so far, I know there's more but I honestly don't remember, I've been reading since I was in primary (elementary) school so I know it's been quite a lot already. 

#blog #challenge #books

Candy vs Cosmopolitan

 This paper compare and contrasts a type of journalistic writing. Journalism has many different fields such as news writing, broadcast journalism, investigative journalism etc. I will focus on magazine writing, using two examples of popular magazines in the Philippines and in the world. This paper will focus on the Candy magazine which is the number one teen’s magazine in the Philippines according to the Synovate Media Atlas Survey and Cosmopolitan the number one magazine for young women in the world declared by the Bauer-Media Group. This paper will compare and contrast each magazine to show why these two magazines are worthy of this title. A list of contrasts and comparisons included in this paper is that it is aimed for females, it shows how to apply make-up, gives different types of advice, illustrates what to wear and how to wear it and has an entertainment section. I will go into detail the context of the two magazines which are an example of a type of journalistic writing, magazine writing.

Candy and Cosmopolitan magazine are two of the most popular magazine aimed for females. Their contents are purely for females; whether they are pieces of advice or entertainment articles. It is aimed for females as their target audience, written to satisfy their lifestyle and needs guiding them through life helping them to cope with their problems and worries that they face in their everyday lives. Issues that are tackled would be weight loss, health, body image, appearance etc. This can be one of the factors to why both magazines are two of the most popular magazines for females.
These two magazines are overflowing with images of make-up; beauty is a guide to women into feeling, looking and being excellent. . It shows readers how to put on make-up, how to try different styles and when to wear different types of make-up. They give step by step procedures on how to apply make-up and the dos and don'ts when wearing or applying them where to buy them, the price and what it looks like when it is applied. Make-up gives females a boost in confidence making them feel and look excellent.

Advice makes a big impact on all females. Both magazines directs them through their lives and shows them that they are not the only ones with these problems. The advice can be about beauty concerns, relationships or the realities of their lives etc. These two magazine give advice about anything relating to a woman’s needs. This shows how these problems can be a big impact on the lives of females.

Both magazines are filled with fashion. Fashion might not be for everyone but these magazines have it all throughout their pages. Whether it is to advertise or to be inspired by from celebrities or even how to wear the latest trends. It is not just for a particular type of females but for all sorts of females, for example the different tastes and interests of women. It attempts to satisfy fashion for everyone, even attracting and making them develop an interest in fashion, filling all pages with fashion.
Celebrities are a favourite to many readers, Summit Media says this statement and so both magazines are filled with latest updates and information about celebrities. Containing everything they need to know about celebrities e.g. biographies, their likes and dislikes or who they are dating etc. This satisfies the needs of readers to know what is happening to their favourite celebrities.

To satisfy different age groups Candy magazine is intended for teens however Cosmopolitan is for young women. Candy magazine is aimed at teens whose age ranges from 13 to 18 year old's according to Summit media. These girls are high school girls going through puberty and experiencing high school life. On the other hand Cosmopolitan magazine also according to Summit Media is targeted at women from the age ranges of 18 to 35 years old's. This magazine helps women to take control of their lives as they are already experiencing life outside of college. Teens and women have a completely opposite lifestyle and so these two magazine have a clear distinction to satisfy the different age groups.
Candy and Cosmopolitan magazine target different lifestyles of women. Candy girls would want to buy cheaper make-up where readers of cosmopolitan would pick the pricey make-up. Candy girls would be interested with copying the make-up of their idols such as celebrities or how to deal with any of their beauty concerns. Cosmopolitan girls would want to learn about the new trends for the face or must-have make-up buys. This is what differentiates Candy and Cosmopolitan magazine when it comes to beauty as it aims at different lifestyle of women.

Candy magazine is for women trying to cope through problems with high school whereas Cosmopolitan is for women who are trying to improve their lives. Cosmopolitan helps women cope through the stages of being independent, work and being in more serious relationships. They require advice on how to keep the relationships going or to make it last longer.  They need advice on what they should and should not do in a relationship. On the other hand a teen is going through the stage where they will develop crushes. Candy shows them how to approach their crush or how to act around them. It guides them through this stage giving them advice on how to handle and deal with having a crush. All these advices give all types of women ways to cope with problems they occur in their lives.

Fashion is included in both magazines, where Candy magazine aims for what to wear when going out with friends and Cosmopolitan magazine is what to wear at work or nights out after work. Candy magazine has clothing that is cheaper and makes the use of a limited amount of clothing, Cosmopolitan magazine is affordable but yet accessible at the same time. All these clothing’s are suitable for whatever the occasion such as school or work.
Candy and Cosmopolitan magazine both contain celebrity articles. Candy gives an insights to the minds of Candy Cuties, teenage boys. It tells them what are they’re interested in, what kind of girls they like or dislike, helping girls relate and use these information for their own experiences. Cosmopolitan magazine however helps to keep readers up to date with the latest happenings in pop culture such as the latest gossip, their latest fashion or make-up trends etc. These two magazines contain an insight to celebrities using a different angle.

All in all Candy and Cosmopolitan are similar in many ways at the same they are dissimilar. However they have topped the markets together achieving their goals to please all the diverse females out there. Individually Candy and Cosmopolitan reach out to the taste buds of their readers and perfectly know and understand how to please their readers. They do this by both having mutual and dissimilarities in each magazines.

#cosmopolitan #candy #essay 

How Journalists Are Portrayed In Movies

Morality, war, pain and suffering is what is tragically depicted in the movie titled: The Big Bang Club. It is a true life story of four journalists from South Africa who cover the war during 1990-1994. During this time there was a war taking place within Africa because of the elections, just before Nelson Mandela had won. The journalists seek to tell the truth taking photos of the most extreme deaths shown in the movie. They take pictures of the deaths and fights that go on during these years. They get as close as they can to take pictures of the conflict as if it is just a movie.
This movie is strongly based about the lives of journalists, it shows a brutal and panful life that they have to live in. They are exposed to many things that can scare anyone’s minds. The movie at first makes it seem like they have so much free time, they take pictures hand them in and the photo editor will go through each picture carefully picking which ones can be used. It doesn’t show deadlines or stress like what most people would imagine.
However they show clearly how journalists are risk takers, as these journalists would be right in the middle of people fighting and killing each other. No matter how terrifying the situation is they get as close as they can and take the best pictures they can, they don’t back out or turn around. To top this off whatever emotions they have no matter what they see they have to block it out and keep on going. In the movie not only is their work life shown but also their social lives where they hit the bars for drinks and smoke to calm themselves down and to forget about the things they saw during their day at work. They are portrayed to be people who drink a lot and their hours are shown to be all over the place. They don’t have a fixed schedule as they wait for something to happen and they’ll be there right away.
For me I love how they highlight the emotions that a journalists go through. The main character in this movie dies by committing suicide. He cannot take the guilt, the things he’s seen and the pressure put on him. The picture he took that got him his award was a great picture to many but it tests his morals as he did not help the girl he just took the picture. There was also another incident where another character snapped a shot of a man burning alive. The issues arised from this is should they help them? Should they make sure they are ok? As a journalist they are just doing their job. They are getting pictures for the public to see what is really happening. The more outstanding the picture is the more people will understand and it will reach out to the emotions of the audience. They are there for the people and so the first thing they think of doing is taking the shot, making sure they are okay is maybe their last. This is the main portrayal of journalists in the movie.
What these journalists did is bad but I understand them as it is their job, they cannot let their emotions get the best of them. This movie shows a different side of journalists, I chose this movie as it showed the downside of being a journalists. Most movies show the glamorous side but this movie shows that this is not what being a journalists is all about, there is more to what they do.

#journalism #movies 

Who is Afraid of the Mass Society?

Mass Society


The mass today has a great influence on the mass society, they can be a threat to the mass society. The RH Bill can be an example of how the mass is a negative aspect to the mass society. Many share their opinion on whether they disagree or agree with the RH Bill. The Philippines is a Catholic country and so many are strongly against it, this brings together all the Catholics; on the other side are those who agree with the RH Bill therefore there is a separation.

The mass society has been divided or separated from each other an example would be that, “The Catholic hierarchy may strip a school of its affiliation with the church if they go against its teachings particularly on life issues.” This was a statement from a ranking Archbishop. As we all know most of the Filipinos are made up of Catholics however there are many who are Catholics but yet are Pro-RH Bill. The Catholic Church believes that the RH Bill goes against the teaching of the church so should not be taught in Catholic schools. The more that are pro-RH Bill, the more start to go against the church and start to question their beliefs. The Archbishop Jose Palma believes that the Rh-Bill is a contradiction to the teachings of the church. Another issue about this Bill is that next up will be divorce and abortion that will be followed through. People have many arguments pro and against it and there are even signs or posters around schools showing they are against the RH-Bill, we have this here at UST. Harold D. Lasswell’s focus of study is on propaganda and the signs around UST are an example of this. It advertises and tries to make everyone become or tells them to be anti-RH Bill.

This has become such a big issue that people do not know where they stand or what to believe in. Emile Durkheim says that, “There are certain ways of acting, feeling and thinking that are expected and required from people if society is to operate in harmony.” The Catholic Church does not give people the option to make their own decision. In an article I read mentioned that in Ateneo there are professors that are pro-RH Bill but they stated that they do not speak for the school but they are just giving their opinion. This shows how the professors are separating themselves from their own school because of their own opinion, they speak for themselves and not for the school. This expresses how the mass society can be positive towards the mass society, if they are able to separate themselves and not go with whatever everyone else agrees with. On the other hand many are scared to stand up and give their opinion as the mass is against them, such as the Catholic Church. In UST there are signs that the school is anti-RH-Bill, as a Catholic they are expected to be against RH-Bill because of their beliefs and the teachings of the church which immediately links back to Emile Durkheim statement. It is not giving people the freedom; making the mass itself a threat to mass society. As a Catholic church you are expected to be against the RH-Bill this is what the Archbishop and Bishop is trying to get across. You have the masses which are consisted of Catholics who stand up and go against the RH-Bill however in Article II, Sec. 6. Says that “The Separation of Church and State shall be inviolable.” The Catholic Church strongly stands up for their beliefs however the Catholic Church should not go against the state. The Philippines is run by the President and is not run by the Church or rather should not be run by the Church. The Church try to overpower and make decisions they should not be making. The division can affect many people on whether they are anti or pro RH-Bill, it is very hard to tell who they should follow or believe in.

For me the mass society is very strong. It is good to have many people come together to share their opinions and arguments to get their message across, but it has come to the point where it is against the opinion and your faith. The media presents all these arguments online on social networking sights, blogs, websites and articles. Signs are used all around the Philippines to promote anti-RH Bill. “I am pro-life. I am anti-RH Bill,” “Choose Life, Reject RH Bill” “UST is Catholic, UST is pro-life, UST rejects RH Bill,” are examples of some of the slogans used on posters. The Catholic Church along with the mass believe that the Rh-Bill is going against them. However it is not up to the Church to decide what is good to the country or what is not. The state is not run by the Church. The Philippines is strongly a Catholic country and so try to get in the way of the bill that was passed. The Church believe that it will corrupt the minds of people however it is up to the mass what they will do with the information being fed to them.

The RH-Bill issue is an example of the two step flow theory. The mass media spreads the news of the RH-Bill to the public and there are then the opinion leaders in this situation, the opinion leaders are the Catholic Church and the President. Propaganda is used to convince the mass to reject the bill.  The masses has then separated themselves in whether or not they are anti or pro-RH Bill. There is even a group on the internet to prove how the mass has come together to fight for what they believe in, “Choosing Life, Rejecting the RH Bill.” It illustrates the message that the people get from the RH-Bill. In fact the intentions of the RH-Bill is to control the population of the Philippines and to decrease the transfer of aids and STD’s. The Catholic Church does not see this as they are just looking at how it effects the minds of the Catholics and how it goes against many teachings of the Church. The Church does not look at the bill practically, they only see one side of the argument.

(2013, April 20) Schools Defying Church Teachings May Lose Catholic Status, CBCP NEWs.
Patricia, Kim Arveen. (2013, March 19). SC Stops Controversial RH Bill For Now, Yahoo! News.
De Leon, Hector s., (2008, June). Article II – Declaration at State Policies, Section 6., Textbook on the Philippines Constitution. Manila, Philippines: University of The Philippines Former Associate Professor, Far Eastern University.

Pedrosa, Carmen N., (2012, December 22) ‘Pro-RH’ may have won the battle, but ‘Anti-RH’ won the war, Phil.Star

Choosing Life, Rejecting the RH Bill.


Day 28 & 29

Day 28: Do you wish for anything at 11:11? If so, what do you wish for?

I do make a wish every night, I lie awake and it takes me forever to sleep. I am in bed after 9pm but I don't sleep until 12am, however I do not want to share the wish I make every night it turns 11:11. I want this wish to come true and also it is not something I am ready to tell the world just yet. It is something very personal, to others it may seem stupid and probably a waste of a wish but I need this wish to come true.

Day 29: Picture of yourself

This was taken last year on my 19th birthday, I will soon be celebrating my 20th birthday. My 19th year has been one of the most craziest adventures of my life so far. I have been at the top where I can taste the rainbow and I'm soaring through everything but then I've had my downfall where I lie awake at night thinking how did everything come to this. I have experienced so much, learned new things, made mistakes and been out of control. This picture of me may not seem like much but I was different, I wasn't that same person I am now. If I was that girl looking into the future I would be shocked with myself, I would say to myself "what happened?" I am in the process of picking up myself and trying to reinvent and enjoy what I have. I want to appreciate and enjoy my life right now and I need to sort out a lot of things, especially my emotions. I wish I could go back and re-live being nineteen but at the same time I would change things,  I know changing things will not make any difference. So I guess I just have to accept my life and keep on climbing. 

#blog #challenge 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Day 26 & 27

Day 26: What are some little things that make you feel warm and fuzzy?

My blanket and pillow! It's so comfortable even if its hot here I will still have them by my side, hugging it or draped over my legs or a part of my buddy. My sleep would not be complete without either of these.

Day 27: A picture of your handwriting

I am honestly too lazy to do this right now. However my handwriting is big and not really neat, but it is definitely readable.

Day 25: Would you rather date someone plain with an amazing personality or someone beautiful with a plain personality?

Plain with an amazing personality, a long as he can look after himself properly then there is nothing wrong with being plain especially if he is great to be around with. I want someone I can talk to for hours and just being around with but having no awkward silences. I want someone who excites me, makes me laugh, for me when you fall in love with their personality sometimes there looks are just heightened. I know that sounds really bad but I do believe that when you fall in love with someone you learn to accept everything about them.

#blog #challenge 

Day 24: 7 things that cross your mind a lot

1. I'm hungry; pizza, pasta, fries
2. London
3. New York
4. Future
5. Bed - I want to sleep more, I don't want to get up
6. What will happen when I return back home?
7. Family

#blog #challenge

Day 22 & 23

Day 22: A picture of what you wore today

Well today I had class so I pretty much just wore my uniform and I don't usually take pictures with my uniform on.

Day 23: A letter to someone. Anyone.

Dear __________,
                              I know we never really kept in contact, until now we don't. However I am glad that when we met up when I was in England it was as if nothing had changed. I really did miss you and I was so glad to be around you again. It was so great talking to you and seeing you again. A lot has changed and we didn't get to see each other as much as we used to. I am proud of you, I am proud of where you are right now and I hope you will continue to grow and become a better person.

I wish you all the best and I hope we will stay friends for more years to come. I know you have a life of your own now and everything is different, I expected it. I wish though that we kept in contact even more and that we still knew what was going on each others lives. To be honest my life is not the same without you, the both of you. I am used to you guys telling me it will be ok and pushing me. I am used to you guys pushing me and giving me the hard truth. I miss the advice and the things you would say and do to make me better. I wish you both were here to experience everything with me. It is not the same just telling you guys because back in high school you would both be with me throughout everything. Now I am alone, I am with people who judge me and don't understand me, who are probably getting tired of it all. I miss the times I could cry on the phones and when I spoke to you guys you both would just make me think about something else and make me feel better.

Now nothing is the same, I'm with people who don't know me as well as you guys. They try to analyse everything its basically not the same. I want to make up for the times that I have missed out, I want catch up and be with you guys again. Even if it is all different now I want to be with you guys again.

               From that "shy" girl

#blog #challenge

Day 21: Turn on's and off's

Turn on's:

  • ACCENT!!! The way a guy speaks and if he's Filipino the way he pronounces his words and his accent in general, if he has a horrible accent I am immediately turned off.
  • Fashion sense
  • Hair 

Turn off's:

  • Hygiene I guess, no one wants to be with someone who can't look after themselves properly.
  • Skinny guys.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Day 20: Concerts you have attended

Well this is a boring question because I have a boring answer, I would love to have attended many concerts and I still do. Usually I don't have any money or no one to go with. I've been to see Panic at the disco! That was great I would loved to have been closer but it was great just being there. I would definitely want to experience this again.

#blog #challenge

Day 19: A list of all the places you've lived at

Simple answer, England and the Philippines. I was born and raised in England and then I moved to the Philippines at the age of 16 just to study. I am currently living and studying in the Philippines and it has been nearly three years, ongoing.

#blog #challenge

Monday, 1 September 2014

Day 18: Name the tv show you have been addicted to

That's very easy as right now everyone who asks me what I have been up to I tell them I've been watching FRESH PRINCE OF BEL AIR!!! I love this show!! It makes me laugh no matter what mood I am in and in makes me feel better, it really cheers me up all the time. I cannot get enough of it, the first two seasons were the funniest but I still love it. I could watch it all day, oh wait, I do.

#blog #challenge

Day 17: What do you want to be when you get older?

I want to live the glamorous life, just like the characters from Gossip Girl. It has always been my dream to live like them where they attend the latest parties and get to to talk to celebrities. They get to dress up and have drinks while socializing and at the same time working. I want to work in a magazine that gives me the opportunity to do this, where I can write about the things that fascinate me and excite me. I want to interview celebrities and then write all about them and have my name on magazines, this is my dream job.

#blog #challenge