Saturday, 19 January 2013

What a long week...


  • Class from 11 to 3 (regular classes for MWF)\
  • Studied for exam
  • Exam for PGC (Philippines Constitutonal Government)
Went good and I was confident enough so I can say I just about passed it

  • Logic     
  • Maths  
(8:30 to 11)
Why did they put these two exams together? It's a good thing I studied for logic a few days before so I just had to recap. I've never studied for maths before because I didn't know how to and I was lazy. I tried my best to study. I wanted to study until late nigh so that I could sleep late and wouldn't have to wake up early. It didn't work out. Though I did wake up again after 1 hour of lying in bed because I was so nervous! I woke up early in the morning and quickly practiced long synthetic division and I got it straight away I was so pleased! 

Logic well that went well I was pretty pleased with that too! I was pleased that it was true or false but I was confused when it asked if n.17 is true and n.18 false then n.19 is true...I was like whaaaaaaaaaat?! That's the craziest thing I've ever heard.

  • CWG (Contemporary World Geography)
  • English
(8:30 to 11)
The worse day ever! I set my alarm for 4am to study for CWG because I really couldn't study anymore, I was so tired and nothing was going in my head. I woke up at 7:30! I couldn't believe it! I was staring at my watch I didn't understand what had happened. I wanted to cry! I didn't know anything in the exam, I couldn't   answer any of the questions, I just guessed the half and skipped the rest. Well good luck to that exam!

English....well that was the longest exam ever! It was 19 pages long, which was super shocking!! I managed to answer the questions I actually enjoyed it. It was pretty good but confusing all at the same time. 

  • No exams
I have a mental block right now I think I did try to study I started thursday night so friday it was just the other lectures and a recap that I had to do. But I probably wasted my day as usual talking to people, sleeping, eating. That day went by so quickly and I was annoyed and sad how everyone had finished their exams and were celebrating already. I also had to practice for social dance which was a disaster and a waste of time. My partner wasn't there so it was pointless. It was hard to participate. I didn't get anything done, I was laughed at because I kept on making mistakes.

  • Journalism Exam
  • Journalism Quiz
  • Philippine Literature exam
(10 to 2)
I was so pleased with the journalism exam I believe that I did well. the quiz however is a no no. I should have never had a break and tried to study, I think this caused me to have a mental block. I was upset in a way because I remember studying the questions, because they all seemed familiar but it just wouldn't pop into my head. But at least I know that I studied enough for it. Oh well! 

Literature was easy as usual. No essays which was awesome! But I missed out two questions because nothing would come to mind. Altogether I didn't really need to study for it, it seemed like more common sense than anything else. 
Well altogether it was a week with lack of sleep, so much studying, so much stuff going on. I'm used to sleeping loads, watching tv all day, reading, eating, not worrying about tomorrow. It hurts my head and brain. I'm really going crazy!! But I'm so happy to be home even though it's just one night and one days rest. I will make the most of it. So it's all good for now. I'm going strong. I'm still here. 

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