Sunday, 21 April 2013

The Power of Gadgets

From a Nokia to a Motorollo to a Sony Ericsson to an Iphone and now to a Samsumg S3 Mini. I've never really been upto date with all the latest gadgets. I only came into contact or rather first owned an Iphone when the iphone 5 came out. It was passed down from my cousin but the condition was great! It didn't have scratches all over it and it didn't look like trash.  However while everyone was using front cameras to take pics of themselves I was left behind. But I wasn't left out,   not all my friends had an Iphone or even a nice phone.

The good thing about UST is that there is no competition with who gets the latest gadget so I never feel pressured.

A week ago while my auntie was driving me home she told that she bought me a new phone and that I was on plan. Which is a contract back in England.  I was happy that finally I wont have to worry about having load (credit) on m phone. Also my phone now has internet on my so wherever I go I dont have to worry about finding a place with wifi. Wherever I go I can keep in contact with family and friends using whats app as I will have I internet everywhere!

The Samsung S3 Mini has a great camera I love it!! And its slim! But im finding it hard to text and type I miss the old phones where it was easy and fun to text with. Im getting used too it but I much prefer texting with the older phones.  However I love instagram and blogging and Facebook and Twitter and whats app that I feel like I cant live without my phone.

I can live without all of this but every time I feel like I am not upto date with what is happening I feel like I am hiding in a cave. How can you be informed or know what is happening without all these gadgets. I experienced living without it and it was weird. You dont know what people are talking about you dont know what is going on. As a journalist student I need to know and be updated with everything otherwise it ia difficult;  why would I even take up this course if I didnt know or want to know anything going on around me.

I try to keep updated by reading CNN as often as I can and obviously through twitter and Facebook.

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