Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Goodbye Flats Hello Stilletos

I'm 18 now and I am so proud of where I am and who I am. I've been through ups and downs. But I've risen from them; I've chosen to learn from all the mistakes I've made and from the mistakes of others. I've been unlucky with love but I have learned to appreciate the love I do have with family and friends. I let go of the bad and kept the good. I stay away from haters and enemies. I choose my friends wisely; I learn from them and treat them as family. I keep my friends close to my heart. To me, friends are next in line to my family. I have friends who are part of my life and life without them wouldn't be the same.

I've learned to; stand on my own feet, think on my own and to walk on my own.

The main lesson I learned, just like everyone says is to follow your dreams. Don't turn around, believe in yourself and just keep on moving forward. I've been hurt and stepped on but every time I get back up. Even though I act like a child I feel as if I'm strong enough. I feel as if I can't give up, I can't throw away my dreams. Otherwise what's the point if I don't get anywhere. I would be a disappointment to myself.

So here I am standing getting stronger and stronger every time. I've been lucky and blessed I don't know if I deserve it, but I appreciate it and I make the most of the life that I do have.

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